Utopia Prevailia Pledge

We pledge allegiance

To Feminism's guiding light,

Utopia Prevailia's might.

With zero tolerance for GBV,

For violence and inequality,

We strive for a world of unity.

Empowering all genders,

Breaking barriers that confine,

In Utopia Prevailia, our design.

Equal rights and freedoms,

For each individual's worth,

Respecting diverse voices since birth.

Through education's power,

And inclusive policies we enact,

Utopia Prevailia's foundation intact.

Feminism's principles guide,

A society just and fair,

In Utopia Prevailia, we share.

With compassion and respect,

We build a better place,

For all, regardless of their race.

In Feminism we unite,

Utopia Prevailia's spirit bright,

Together we strive, for a future so right.